
Operating System Repository by soplanz

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  1. fork() and exe() system call by Neso Academy => Presented by Neso Academy, this video describes the process id that run on the computer and how to manipulate it.
  2. RegEx => Learn regex intuitively.
  3. Nano or VIM => Still confuse about Nano or VIM? Check this out.
  4. LFS 10.0 => Linux from scratch if you are interested on how to make linux from scratch.
  5. grep cheatsheet => useful cheatsheet for grep command.


  1. Page replacement algorithm => Page replacement algo description by geeksforgeeks.
  2. Page table calculation => Page number calculation size, etc.


  1. Multiple fork statement => Clear explanation on multiple fork system.
  2. Operation on process: Process Termination => Process termination explanation.
  3. Operation on process: Process Creation => Process creation explanation.


  1. Sychronization: Operating System => Basic concept of why we need sychronization.
  2. Semaphores => Explain the type and use of semaphores mechanism.

WEEK 08 1 Scheduling in operating system => Scheduling algorithm

WEEK 09 1 RAID in operating system => want to know more about RAID.